Macon Mercer Symphony Orchestra
Scientist in Lab
Ideas That Deliver

Mercer moves Georgia ahead, and shows the way for the rest of the nation.

Classified nationally as a doctoral research university with high research activity, Mercer University secures and expends more than $56.1 million annually to fuel discovery and innovation.

But beyond the financial support for scientific, engineering and health sciences research, the University relentlessly promotes a culture that encourages the search for new knowledge, finds solutions to real-world problems and stimulates creative activity. From undergraduate research to a variety of research and innovation centers and talent incubators, Mercer daily deploys its intellectual capital to make the world a better place.

At Mercer University, we measure the strength of an idea by its staying power.

The stories featured here show how ideas that originate at Mercer University deliver: In our own backyard, throughout the rapidly growing state of Georgia, and more than 9,000 miles away in Vietnam. While each one of these initiatives has very different stakeholders and goals, they illustrate what happens when we set our sights on a problem.

These stories also point to four reasons why Mercer has had an outsized impact on the world:

1. We attract and empower people who are purposeful and pragmatic.
These stories are driven by Mercer faculty and staff who exemplify an extraordinary sense of public service, and because they have deep roots in their communities, they know what it takes to turn an idea into action. At Mercer, they find a culture that seizes opportunities and provides resources they need — all with very little bureaucracy.
2. We look at the whole ecosystem of a problem, not just what’s in front us.
In a world where all lives are interdependent and big challenges are systemic, real solutions can’t be about imposing a solution or checking a box. We know how to listen and where to look; how to be a valued partner for all stakeholders; and how to build long-term, local capacity.
3. We believe in opportunity for all.
Someone living in rural Hawkinsville, Georgia, deserves health care that is equal to the care they’d get living in Buckhead. A vibrant university neighborhood can’t be a place that only affluent families can afford. A hard-working farmer in Vietnam shouldn’t have to make do with an inferior prosthetic device, or one that can’t stand up to the rigors of daily life and returning to work.
4. We aim for solutions that are replicable and scalable.
As problem-solvers, our first responsibility is to the people and issues at hand. But we’re never about “one and done.” Too many good ideas die after the originators move on. We’re always in for the long haul, and we challenge ourselves to ensure our work is ultimately self-sustaining.
Beall's Hill
Rural Health
3 women standing in the Grand Opera House lobby
Ensuring that our ideas deliver — at home and far beyond it, when the challenge is complex and the stakes are high — is also one way we deliver on the promise of an impactful education for our students. At Mercer, every student can partner with extraordinary role models in generating knowledge and solving problems. They learn how their gifts and talents can be deployed in meaningful ways for a life of engaged citizenship, locally, regionally, and globally. And they take these opportunities and lessons to heart, which is why Mercer leads all U.S. institutions in producing engineering Goldwater Scholars and ranks fourth nationally among Peace Corps Prep certificate-issuing institutions. Whatever their professional path, there’s one thing our graduates all go into their careers knowing: how to make things happen.

I’m confident that through these stories, you’ll get to know Mercer and our irrepressible drive to be of service to our communities. You’ll see that when we talk about ideas that deliver, we don’t take anything for granted. We get to the root of a problem, and we add value to countless lives — and go on adding value, day after day and year after year.
President Underwood

Our Stories

Mercer tackles global water crisis by bringing clean water to communities in need

Mercer works to reduce mercury pollution in artisanal and small-scale gold mining

Mercer advances computer science education in rural Georgia

Macon-Mercer Symphony Orchestra is a symphony for everybody

Mercer works to improve the health of rural Georgians

Mercer spurs neighborhood revitalization in historic part of Macon

Mercer trip to Ecuador inspires alumnus to start sustainable coffee business

Mercer fits amputees with prosthetic legs in Vietnam